Technology Training Module

Technology Training Module
Fostering community development through technology.
The Technology Training programs offered under this module are provided through the Anakosmos Tech and Innovation Hub's learning facilities.
Course material and delivery is tailored to suit the targert beneficiaries and achieve the maximum impact through the application of technology to solve problems .
Students are led through mentorship and draw linkages between trainng to real worldon problems and how they are solved by combining different kinds of technology and thus inspiring innovative thinking while improving standards of living through student output.
The Current Programme training modules and courses include;
- Basic Tech Education
- Introduction to Emerging Technology
- Robotics
- Audrino Programming
- Raspberry Pi Programming
Additional Courses are readily availlabe to be added incrementally as per demand include;
- Electronics Training
- Blockchain technology
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- 3D Printing
- Image Processing
- Machine Learning
- Image Processing
- Creative Thinking
- Data Literacy
- Technological Innovation

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Contact us to enroll or partner with us on the ADIP program.
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