Entrepreneur & Enterprise Development

Entrepreneur & Enterprise Development

Fostering community development through technology.

This Module is designed to help entrepreneurs resolve challenges commonly associated with business like acquiring resources and mentorship and training to master business management. The sole purpose of the module program is to help businesses successfully take off and grow with focus areas such as;

  • Business Support
    This focus area is designed to help entrepreneurs resolve challenges commonly associated with business like acquiring resources and mentorship and training to master business management. The sole purpose of the businesses incubator is to help businesses successfully take off and grow.

  • Access to Funding
    Tech entrepreneurs are guided to understand different funding options and introduced to relevant investors such as angel investors or venture capital or connected with strategic partners where necessary.

  • Networking opportunities
    Tech entrepreneurs are given access and opportunity under programs and sessions to interact with stakeholders, startups, partners, mentors & investors sharing the same vision in the ecosystem across local and global communities.

  • Mentorship
    The Mentorship Scheme is designed for the highest level of individual capacity building. It is meant to equip mentees with skills and fortitude required for pursuing and advancing in chosen fields. The mentorship programme is to be resourced by mentors with considerable experience in the business and tech landscape.

Other Program Modules

Technology Training

Explore training programs under the technology training module

Entrepreneur & Enterprise Development

Read more on how the program resources participants with through entrepreneurial training and business incubation

Agricultural Technology

We provide training on the use off modern agricultural technology and apply same to add value support agricultural services.

Renewable Energy & Water Purification Solutions

We provide training and implement the use of renewable energy and water purification technologies to improve the lives of beneficiary communities

Community Events

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