Community Events

Community Events
Fostering community development through technology.
Anatech Challenge The Anatech Challenge is a startup and innovation competition developed by the Anakosmos Technology and Innovation Hub which features an annual technology challenge. The competition is meant to promote information technology among African youth between the ages of 10 and 30 All applications go through stages of evaluation, from which projects will be selected for identified categories. These projects go through several weeks of mentorship provided by technologists. These projects pitch to an expert panel and a winner of each category is selected to receive the prize on offer
Anatech Fair This community event includes exhibitions of products, startups and services as well as direct interactions with shortlisted businesses. The exhibition is expected to bring together Technology companies with special attention to help expose local businesses, teams or emerging companies to new tools available to extend access to innovative services. It also provides a learning opportunity based on the discoveries and lessons from the stories of successful and failed ventures featured in the program.

Other Program Modules
Entrepreneur & Enterprise Development
Read more on how the program resources participants with through entrepreneurial training and business incubation
Agricultural Technology
We provide training on the use off modern agricultural technology and apply same to add value support agricultural services.
Renewable Energy & Water Purification Solutions
We provide training and implement the use of renewable energy and water purification technologies to improve the lives of beneficiary communities
Contact us to enroll or partner with us on the ADIP program.
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